Crislen suffers with a terrible tumor growing on her face making it hard to eat, speak, and breathe. She’s in desperate need of immediate surgery and chemotherapy.
Your donation will literally help save Crislen’s life.
God Bless You!
Donor Wall1106
Josiah | $5.50
Ariana | $10
Hunter Broxton
Soo | $41.85/M
Moises | $10.70
May god bless you🙏🏼 I pray that your life is filled with joy and love…may all the things that you dream of come true in Jesus name. Amen❤️
May God heal and restore you
Victoria C.
God bless you all I pray this beautiful angel can get better.
Day | $10.70
Jesus is the way , the truth and the life , may the lord heal you and may u prosper , when you are healed , never forget the lord Jesus, he loves you and died for you, u got this , he will give u strength , don't feel sad , for he is always with u , don't feel alone , for his spirit leaves in you. May he bless you and guide you 🙏 ❤️
Ashely Marcolino
Gema Ruiz | $21.23
Can you call St Jude Hospital?
You are so beautiful and strong
Elizabeth Ewing
Jesus loves you ❤️
Edward Arcena | $21.08
God bless 🙏🏽
jennifer | $41.95
Carol Forrest | $52.32
Praying for you sweetheart and God bless you.
Jerzey Allen | $10.70
God bless, glory be to God❤️
Brandon Reger | $3/M
God bless you sweetheart, our Lord and Savior is with you every step of the way
Lilchris Cbj | $10.70/M
Mehir Rai | $52.32
Everything will be alright soon, keep your spirit up Crislen!!
Benigno R Silverio | $41.85/M
I kill this money with all my heart crislen do you have your surgery done? Are you doing OK?
Marco | $3.43
Nicholas | $31.46
God bless you!! ❤️ 🙏🏼
Jhonny Apolinae | $5.50
Psalms 3:4 “I cried unto the lord with my voice,and he heard me out of his Holy hill” (Pray for this little girl & for many children out there in the world.Praying is one of the strongest tools God gave humanity to communicate with him.
Konstantinos | $52.23
May God Bless
Rudy | $104.15
God bless you Crislen. May our Lord and Savior Christ continue to fortify your family’s faith.
Rashaan Hipp | $10.70
Dear Crislen I hope you get the surgery and everything goes well. I wish you the best of luck and I hope my donation is able to help. May God bless you and remember to always smile and pray blessings are on the way❤️
Nathaniel | $41.85
God Bless You
Myung Chan Oh | $104.15
May Jesus touch and heal Crislen in His peace and compassion!