Crislen suffers with a terrible tumor growing on her face making it hard to eat, speak, and breathe. She’s in desperate need of immediate surgery and chemotherapy.
Your donation will literally help save Crislen’s life.
God Bless You!
Donor Wall1106
Abraham | $5.50
I pray God see you through, please manage the little I have
Khoebe Cajipe | $10.70
little amount but I hope it will help. Prayers for you dear
Michael | €10.87
Good luck
Ianis | Lei27.39
I know its not much but i hoped it helped you
Rojairo Booisma | €3.07
I know it’s not much but I Hope you get better in Jesus name 🙏🏾❤️
Rumen Metov
Thommie | C$57.54
Miracle is always happen when Our Lord Jesus heard and blessed this kid prayer.
Vardges | €5.48
julien beaucourt | $104.15
Jack Willis | £5.44
Myrdgelie Augustin
May the Lord bless this sweet heart and may she know she is fearfully and wonderfully made!!!
Paul Deaconu | €10.67
May Crislen get all the help she needs.
Milad Youkhana | A$10.85
Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Deborah Bennett | $21.08
Rodina Platero | $31.46
Jack Dally | A$10.87
Yvonne Hunter | £21.23
Jesus command deliverance from this tumour . God bless you xx
Lars Lukas Soenksen | €16.05
Renzo Kable | $3.43
Having you in my prayers god bless you
Ru Xue | $21.08
Bless you!
Dawn Tan | S$31.57
God bless you & may you be healed little Crislen🙏💕
RONNIE | ₱329.66
In Jesus name you will healed! God bless you little angel🙂
Baby be strong and I will include you on my prayers!
julien beaucourt | €96.86/M
Tina Loncar
Nimesh Wickramasinghe | A$10.85
Giancarlo | €5.48
Chon Hin Ung | £5.44
Hope u get better soon
Emilio | $3.62